Monday, August 17, 2009

Ellie's Fall

Well I never imagined that Ellie would have her first incident at such a young age but my worst nightmare came true on Thursday at around 7pm. We were outside playing with her new water table that she got for her birthday and we were having a blast. We were all soaked. Ellie loved squirting herself and pouring water all over her and she was drenched. She started crawling on the stone and had dirt all over her and was getting tired so time to wash her little legs off with the hose and in for a bath. M had her and reached for the water hose with one hand and had her in the other but she arched her back to get down and was a slippery girl and fell about three feet and hit her little head on the stone. It was the worst thing I have ever seen in my life. She screamed for about 15 minutes and nothing calmed her. We didnt even change her and put her in her carseat and rushed to Texas Children's. They got us right into an ER room and we waited and waited forever. They did four xrays (one on each shoulder, one spinal, and one neck) and it was so sad to watch them restrain her to take the xrays (it took four people). Then we had to do a CT scan. That too was heartwrenching to see your little baby in such a large machine screaming for you and theres nothing you can do. Finally at around 2 am on Friday the doctor came in and sat down and said he had the results of the ct scan and wanted to discuss them with us. I knew he was about to give us bad news from the way he talked. So he told us that she had a very small skull fracture (not words I wanted to hear) and referred to it as a ping pong fracture. Medical terminology can be confusing bc when i think of a ping pong ball relative to her head...that's pretty big but instead what he meant was a tiny dimple in the skull like the ridges on a ping pong ball. It is so small the doctor could barely see it on the ct scan to show it to us. The good news is that it will heal itself in the next couple of weeks and as for long term effects: minimal to none. That is very reassuring because that was my main concern. We are very excited because Ellie is doing all the same things she was doing before the fall: speaking the same words, doing her sign language for more, waving bye bye, healthy appetite, sweet and smiling, and same interest in her toys. So there does not appear to be any difference in her behavior and we are so thankful. They kept her overnight and moved us to an observation room and we were released Friday morning around 9:30. Thank you friends and family for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers and we are so fortunate and happy to report that our little girl is doing great. Sorry i didnt post any pictures but i have not taken any as this is not something I want to remember.

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